Book Name:
Beginning SharePoint with Excel
Gini Courter and Annette Marquis
Publish Year: ۲۰۰۶ Publish Year: ۲۰۰۶ Pages Numbers: ۲۷۸ ISBN: ۹۷۸-۱-۵۹۰۵۹-۶۹۰-۶
Introduction Whether you work in a large multinational corporation or in a tiny family-owned company, you have at least one thing in common: it’s a challenge to secure IT resources to solve common everyday business problems. In a large corporation, resources are typically spent on the big projects that have a significant cost benefit to the company. When you make a request for assistance, you’re probably called upon to justify the business value of your request. If you aren’t planning to save the company millions of dollars, you’re out of luck. At the other end of the spectrum, all a small company might know about IT is that it was a member of the cast of the Addams Family TV show. Although initial installation of Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server requires administrative expertise, even a company with no technical staff can buy hosting from a SharePoint hosting company (see Appendix C), and in minutes have aWindows SharePoint Services site for its team. As we’ve delved deeper and deeper into the possibilities that SharePoint offers, one thing has become crystal clear: a high-end user within a department can develop highly sophisticated SharePoint sites, business dashboard, and data sharing systems without a lick of programming. This puts tremendous power in the hands of end users and IT business analysts who want quick, easy-to-implement solutions for their users.
Who This Book Is For This book is intended for IT professionals and for business users who see the benefits of electronic collaboration and want to maximize the tools they already have available. Most books of this type are written for programmers and require a high level of technical knowledge. Because there’s so much you can do with SharePoint and Excel without programming, we intentionally excluded techniques and solutions that require programming. Our intention was to make this book accessible to those high-end users who aren’t programmers but who, with the right level of knowledge, can still make a big difference in solving business problems in their organizations. In other words, even if you don’t know the difference between XML, SQL, and .NET, you can create powerful team collaboration solutions with SharePoint and Excel. Beginning SharePoint with Excel (7.13 MB)