Book Name:
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 for Dummies
Joel Scott
Publish Year: ۲۰۰۸ Publish Year: ۲۰۰۸ Pages Numbers: ۴۳۴ ISBN:
This book is about Microsoft Dynamics CRM version 4, which we refer to as simply Microsoft CRM or just CRM. We assume that Microsoft CRM just showed up on your desktop computer or notebook. Chances are, you already have some experience with one or more of the popular predecessors to CRM — ACT, GoldMine, SalesLogix, or an earlier release of Microsoft CRM. Maybe you thought your Outlook was actually a CRM system. (It isn’t.) Or maybe you’ve never had any kind of CRM system — and never wanted one either. In any event, now you have to get yourself up and running with this new software. If you relate to any of this, Microsoft CRM 4 For Dummies is for you. If you’re a technical type looking for help with installation, integration, or serious customization, you’ll need more than just this book. You’ll need some technical references, an experienced dealer, and some time. If nothing else, Microsoft CRM is an organizational tool. Whether you’re in sales, marketing, customer service, or management, this software will provide a significant return on your investment — whether that investment is money or time. Beyond that, if you’ve fallen in love with Microsoft Outlook and refuse to relinquish it, relax. Not only can you still use Outlook, it’s one of the primary means by which you’ll communicate with Microsoft CRM.